The School is aimed at graduate students, interested in Dynamic Systems, specially in Conservative Dynamics. Kukulkam school welcomes researchers working or interested in this topic. This school is limited to 40 participants.
The School consists of four courses offering a wide scope within the field of Conservative Dynamics. Courses are offered by world known researchers.
Alain Chenciner (Université Paris VII). Personal page
The algebraic side of the N-body problem: reduction, singularities, relative equilibria (Abstract)
Alberto Abbondandolo (Ruhr Universität-Bochum). Personal page
Geodesic Flows (Abstract)
On the second week
Antonio Siconolfi (Università di Roma La Sapienza) Personal page
Weak KAM methods in PDE (Abstract)
Ke Zhang (University of Toronto) Personal page
Arnold diffusion and Mather theory (Abstract)
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